Newsletter #2 and dissemination

The 2nd issue of the SAIL Newsletter is out, in time for the project review, as planned.

Publishing a newsletter is usual in many activities, and it’s difficult to keep track of all of those related to the areas we are interested in. Still, I find a newsletter of use not only for the potential readers, but also for those involved in publishing it: for the latter, it’s a good way to check what has been done, and to extract the highlights of our work in a given period of time; for the former, if they do it as I do, I browse the contents for a minute, and then, if there is a subject of interest, I read it in detail. So, in the end, I think there’s added value in a  newsletter, for both sides.

Additionally, a newsletter is a good way to inform the researchers external to the consortium of the progress being achieved in the project. Given that the project is partially funded by the European Commission (i.e., public funding), dissemination plays a major role in project activities, and publishing a newsletter fills in a gap. The SAIL Newsletter is being distributed electronically (you can register to receive it via the project’s website) and on paper at events where project’s members participate. This way, we want to reach not only the colleagues that want to follow the project on a regular basis, but also to present the project to researchers that may not be aware of it.

Enjoy the reading!

Disclosure and disclaimer: I am engaged in SAIL, an ICT project about the Future Internet, on behalf of IST-TUL. However the opinions expressed in this post are my personal, and not those of the SAIL project or my employer.

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