SAIL Exploitation and Dissemination Plan deliverable available

The document Exploitation and Dissemination Plan, a public deliverable from the SAIL project, is now available from the list of deliverables.

From the executive summary:

The purpose of the present document is to present the exploitation and dissemination perspectives in detail, listing the planned activities.  This listing is a first approach to the problem, i.e., it is natural that during the development of the project, some of this information may change.  Still, all goals will remain valid, and the consortium as a whole will be in charge of implementing them.
Concerning dissemination activities, the following are planned, and presented in detail: Public Website, Press Release, Leaflet, Newsletter, Papers in Conferences and Journals, Participation in Target Events , SAIL Workshops, Demonstration Event, SAIL Training School, Interaction with other Projects and Fora, Web2.0 Activities.
Exploitation activities are also addressed in detail, being structured along several dimensions, i.e.: the actor (i.e., industrial and academic), the type (technical improvements or strategic guidelines), and the audience (internally to the  consortium and or externally to a wider community).  Furthermore, specific plans for each partner are also presented.
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